An estimated 13 million people are living with osteoporosis in Japan. The bone disorder results in painful and disabling fragility fractures, often leading to long-term loss of mobility and independence in older adults.
Despite the immense burden of fragility fractures, an estimated 80% of the annual 200,000 patients who experience a hip fracture due to osteoporosis in Japan don’t get treatment for osteoporosis. In addition, the one-year continuation rate of osteoporosis medications after a hip fracture is only about 20%.
In order to address this significant care gap, the Japanese Fracture Liaison Services (FLS) reimbursement scheme has been updated. The reimbursement scheme will provide major improvements to post-fracture patient care and the prevention of secondary fractures. By covering the evaluation for continuous secondary fracture prevention, it will ensure that patients who have suffered a hip fracture will be automatically assessed for osteoporosis and given necessary treatment, in line with FLS clinical standards and osteoporosis treatment guidelines from relevant academic societies.
Through its Capture the Fracture (CTF) program, The International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) advocates for and supports the establishment of FLS in the Asia Pacific and around the world. CTF currently comprises a network of 737 FLS in 50 countries, including 46 in Japan, and a total of 148 in the Asia Pacific region. As well, IOF works closely in collaboration with other medical and advocacy organizations in the region to support secondary fracture prevention initiatives.