On-device AI healthcare startup in South Korea, Noul has announced that it will jointly participate in a malaria diagnosis project initiated by US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) with the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI).
The project will involve 2,000 patients who are tested for malaria at four health facilities located in malaria endemic areas of Kisumu and Siaya in western Kenya. The work will be conducted from July to December 2024.
The project will compare and evaluate Noul's digital microscopy-based malaria diagnostic solution with rapid diagnostic tests and local microscopy to field-validate the effectiveness of Noul's product as a malaria diagnostic solution.
Dr Simon Kariuki, the Head of KEMRI/Centre for Global Health Research Malaria Programme, in Kisumu said, "WHO recommends confirming malaria through quality-assured microscopy or rapid diagnostic tests in malaria-endemic areas such as western Kenya. There are many challenges with the currently recommended tests for the diagnosis of malaria, and new technology is urgently needed to improve the quality of diagnosis of malaria. We hope that Noul's digital microscopy-based malaria diagnostic solution will greatly improve the effectiveness of malaria diagnosis in the field."
Through the project with the US CDC and KEMRI, Noul plans to establish miLab™ MAL as the best-performing product to solve the global malaria diagnostic problem and prepare a bridgehead for entering the US market based on secured references.