Eppendorf redesigns CryoCube F570 ULT freezers

March 26, 2021 | Friday | News

Completely equipped with future-proof green cooling liquids and green insulation foam

Eppendorf continues to follow the path of sustainability by re-designing the CryoCube F570 (all voltages). The well-known standard-sized ultra-low temperature (ULT) freezer is now completely equipped with future-proof green cooling liquids and green insulation foam as well as better performance.

By combining longevity and quality with sustainability aspects, the CryoCube F570 is the well-accepted standard format ULT freezer for the lab. 570 L of -80°C can be filled with up to 400 freezer storage boxes.

Low energy consumption of down to 7,4 KWh/ day (-80 °C) is combined with powerful pull-down to -80 °C within 210 min and fast recovery back to -80 °C after door opening: The perfect solution for freezers which are used in the lab on daily basis – keep valuable samples safe at constant conditions.

Compared to its precursor, the F570n saves up to 30% of power.

This is a further building block in a long green Eppendorf freezer story. Eppendorf now has more than 12 years of experience in research and development, production, logistics, and service in the field of green ULT freezers.

The updated CryoCube F570 series can be connected to VisioNize® Lab Suite for monitoring via VisioNize box. The eLABInventory sample management software can support the smart Eppendorf storage solution of high-value samples.

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