Photo Credit: ACN Newswire
Olympus Corporation has announced their part in a project in cooperation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan (MIC), entitled, "Survey Study for International Expansion of Endoscopes Utilizing High-definition Imaging Technology AI Diagnosis Support System in Vietnam."
This is the third year, after similar projects in Thailand in fiscal year 2021 and India in fiscal year 2020, that Olympus has acted as a corporate partner to investigate the effectiveness and potential dissemination of an artificial intelligent (AI) diagnostic support system.
As part of these projects, Olympus has researched clinical applications in collaboration with major local medical institutions. Past clinical use by doctors in India and Thailand, along with consultation with Japanese physicians, showed the effectiveness and potential for future use of EndoBRAIN-EYE and other endoscope diagnostic imaging support software.
From November 2022 to March 2023, Olympus, in collaboration with Cybernet Systems, will conduct research on the effectiveness and future use of the AI diagnostic support system EndoBRAIN-EYE at Cho Ray Hospital and 108 Hospital in Vietnam.
In addition, specialist lecturers and physicians from Japan's Showa University Northern Yokohama Hospital and Shizuoka Cancer Center will provide expert guidance to doctors at major Vietnamese hospitals. They will train doctors in techniques for detecting diseases and differential diagnosis with colonoscopes using EndoBRAIN-EYE, and they will also instruct on how to train the next generation of endoscopists.