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Korea's PharmAbcine Inc., a clinical-stage biotech company focusing on the development of next-generation antibody therapeutics, announced the positive results from the GLP toxicology study of PMC-403, the Company's novel TIE2-activating antibody.
PMC-403 can stabilize and repair damaged and pathologically leaky blood vessels, and it is being developed to treat AMD (Age-related Macular Degeneration), one of the most prevalent neovascular ophthalmology diseases.
With the goal of establishing safety profile in animal models before entering the human trial, the study was conducted to evaluate the toxicokinetics and toxicity of PMC-403. The drug was administered via monthly intravitreal injection to monkeys in different dosing groups.
The result of the study showed that there were no serious safety issues in the test subjects (n=32). There were no unscheduled deaths and no organ weight changes even when PMC-403 was administered with twice the dosage of that of the existing drugs.