South Korea-based International Vaccine Institute (IVI) has partnered with KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme (KWTRP) and Korea Biopharmaceutical CMO (K-Bio CMO) to train African vaccine manufacturing industry workers on all aspects of the upstream production process. IVI held an opening ceremony at headquarters in Seoul and will conduct the didactic component of the training from October 30 to November 10, 2023.
In a joint effort to expand technical know-how and strengthen capabilities in vaccine research, development, and manufacturing, KWTRP is supporting apprenticeships for 20 technicians, engineers, scientists, and managers from 8 different African countries, namely Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe, to attend this training in Korea. Following the didactic component at IVI, the apprentices will transfer to Andong, Korea for a 4-week hands-on segment at K-Bio CMO.
By the end of the 6-week Hands-on Training for Upstream Process in Vaccine Manufacturing, apprentices are expected to be able to transition from the preclinical vaccine R&D phase to small scale production in their home facilities. Additionally, the training will emphasise quality control from inception to product.
This training comes during a time of heightened interest and investment in workforce training to strengthen biological manufacturing capacity across Africa. With a skilled and experienced workforce operating self-sufficient and sustainable vaccine ecosystems, the region will be better equipped to respond to outbreaks and pandemics, as well as to participate in bilateral technology transfers and produce health products attuned to local needs.