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A study looking at the UN Thematic Working Group on Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) Prevention and Control (TWG) in Thailand has just been published. It indicates that the Thematic Working Group has been an important mechanism for scaling up action on NCDs in Thailand and is an example of best practice globally.
The report highlights some major lessons learnt and recommendations for Thailand and other countries- (i) high-level commitment by all stakeholders ensures motivation, momentum and change – the UN can play a catalytic role as a mobilizer and integrator; (ii) The NCD coordination mechanism should be given the same decision making power as ministerial departments and government agencies; (iii) consider extending membership of the TWG to the private sector, recognizing its role in mobilizing wide support and shaping policy on NCDs and their risk factors.
Some of the other factors include to consider integrating NCD coordination mechanisms into broader country-specific development frameworks or multisectoral networks to use synergies and avoid duplication; and the targets and goals of NCD coordination mechanisms should be agreed when the TWG is established.